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Helloo, tadpoles!
It’s been a good Friday here at the pond, and it’s about to get better for some lucky/smart/creative/deserving tadpoles! The Great News is that our Valentine’s Giveaway competition ended 30 minutes ago, and we’re very excited that we have some fabulous winners to announce!
We have to be honest. We.are.blown.away. The quality and creativity in your entries, was just too awesome. Thank you for putting the extra mile into your entries. Of course, that did make it a little more difficult to narrow it down to just three, and we were battling. But then we had a flash of inspiration! Think out of the box. Turn great news, into EXCELLENT news! FIVE winners! Boom! Problem solved.
Annnd so now … Hand me the envelopes, please. … And the winners are …
- Rox “it’s all that and a bag of chips…” from
- Colleen C “be making many, many ladies happy …” from
- Petri “a great way to celebrate my wife.” from
- Jo “Occasions, how beautiful thou art,” from her new wedding website business.
- Claire “favorite film ever is Pretty in Pink” from
Congratulations to the deserving winners! We can’t wait to seen the beautiful sites you build with Occasions! In fact, please come back and drop us a comment when you’re up and launched? Yay!
Well, that’s a wrap, folks, thank you and good-night! …
*exits stage left, blowing froggy-kisses, to tumultuous applause*
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Thanks George!
ReplyYay, thank you George ..cant wait to use it
How do I go about downloading it?
I’m off to watch ‘Pretty in Pink’ now!!! x
ReplyYou the frog george
ReplyThanks! I am going to look all pretty like now!
Reply[Standing ovation as George exits stage left, blowing froggy kisses]
George, George, you rocking frog,
You chose me (an underdog)
To win Occasions, a glorious prize,
I hardly can believe my eyes!
Thank you for your gracious gift
I’ll download it super-swift,
Oh such beauteousness is mine,
Occasions is so mighty fine!
My creative business is on its way
May I have a *happy dancing* “YAY”?
Wild excitement knows no bounds,
George your generousness astounds!
Thank you to all at eFrog Themes, I’m so excited about my awesome prize! Now, how do I go about claiming it?
ReplyHi winner-tadpoles! Look at you all. What a splendid bunch!
It’s our pleasure to be associated with folks like you. Yay!
Now, our very efficient Ops manager, Chris, has already sent out the mail with your Occasions theme attached.
If there any gremlins in the mail, and you haven’t received your prize yet, PLEASE, shoot me a mail at my super-secret private address, and I promise, it’ll get sorted in a jiffy.
*dances happy froggy-dance*
ReplyHey George,
Take a look – the theme is now live at !
Really, really blown away by how easy it was to set up, and how beautiful it looks. Truly one of the best themes I have ever worked with, loving it so much!
ReplyLooking awesome, Rox! Thanks for letting us know